Highmark Interactive

“EQ at Work” Helps HR Manager Develop Data-Driven Employee Wellness Programs

How EQ at Work can facilitate company-wide wellness monitoring.*

Farhan is an HR Manager at a large accounting firm and he is tasked with overseeing the enterprise-wide wellness program for employees. Having noticed an uptick in the number of employees taking leaves of absence due to stress and burnout, Farhan introduces EQ at Work to the organization so that he can get a clear picture of the situation and make data-driven decisions. 

Employees are encouraged to download the EQ app to their phone or table and complete assessments. When they finish each assessment, employees instantly see a traffic light (red/yellow/green) indication of their current mental well-being. Employees who fall in the yellow or red ranges are directed to appropriate supports and resources — from self-help articles, to life coaches and regulated healthcare professionals. 

Farhan receives aggregated data through the EQ Brain Performance Dashboard. Employees’ privacy is maintained, but Farhan can take a pulse check of the organization’s overall mental wellbeing. He sees that around 5% of employees are currently in the red zone, with a further 15% in the yellow zone. The need for action is clear. 

Farhan takes a series of steps to address these concerning numbers. His team performs an awareness campaign of the company’s EAP program, encouraging employees to access help and reminding them it’s confidential and included in their benefits package. He recruits members of the senior management team to act as “wellness champions” and host monthly lunch and learns on wellness at work topics. He also pilots “flexible Fridays” during the summer, to test whether this reduces pressure on employees.

By staggering these different initiatives, Farhan is able to track whether interventions change the numbers on his dashboard. He’s no longer making guesses in the dark—he has data on his side. When he sees a steady decrease in the number of employees in the red and yellow zones (as well as lower absenteeism and disability claims) he can make the business case for continuing to invest in successful initiatives. 


*This is a hypothetical use case that illustrates a real-world situation.